Newsletter June 2024

Why Recitals Are Amazing

Here we are, recital time again! We are looking forward to hearing our students perform their best pieces at the end of this month at our June Showcase Recitals!

We know it can be tough working hard on those pieces and practicing. But, while recital preparation can be a challenge, there are actual great benefits to our children playing in recitals.

For starters, and I think this is one of the biggest benefits, it builds time management skills and discipline in our kids. Preparing and practicing for a recital is helpful in building certain skills and working on particular music, but there is a deadline. Our children have to understand that they must be at a certain level of preparedness and make progress in that each and every day and they have to make sure they give themselves the time to do it all. They have to manage their time and be disciplined to practice certain things to make sure they are thoroughly ready once the recital comes around.

Another great benefit from our children playing in recitals is the opportunity for them to see and hear many other music students perform. This gives them a chance to see other kids at other skill levels, hear other music they may have never heard. They could see other students at a more advanced level and be inspired to get to that level themselves.

And speaking of performance goals, being a good performer should itself be a goal of our little musicians or any musician for that matter. And what better place to get that performance experience and practice than in a recital.

Lastly, and this is one of my favorite benefits to recitals, It gives gives our children a moment recognition. Everyone needs to be applauded and cheered for every now and then, especially kids. It is a huge boost to their self esteem, it builds confidence, gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment. It reminds them that their hard work is worth the it. And yes, while our children are regularly hearing accolades from us parents at home, it’s different when they receive that from an audience in that performance setting. We as parents build them up and encourage them along the way. But when they have finished their piece at the big show, can breath a sigh of relief, and hear thunderous applause from the audience, well, they can’t really experience that in any other setting. Parents, I know the preparation, practice, maybe the stress from getting ready for a recital can be tough, on both our children and us. But I assure you, it is very worth it in the end. Keep encouraging your kids to be involved in performing, they will appreciate it!

Article from Director

Important Dates

1.     Violin

·       Teacher: Laila

·       Saturday, June 8th 12:30

·       Teacher: Bridget

·       Saturday, June 15th 11:30 Flute

·       Teacher: Laura

·       Saturday, June 8th 11:00

2.     Guitar/Ukulele

·       Teacher: Abe

·       Tuesday, June 25th 7:00 pm

·       Teacher: Travis

·       Saturday, June 22nd 12:30 pm

3.     Drums

·       Teacher: Eric

·       Sunday, June 8th 12:30 pm

·       Cello Teacher : Grace

·       Monday, June 24th 7:00 pm

4.     Voice

·       Teacher: Melissa

·       Saturday, June 15th 11:30 am

·       Adult Make Ups

·       Adult Voice

·       Teacher: Melissa

·       Saturday, June 15th 12:30

5.     Adult Violin

·       Teacher: Laila

·       Saturday, June 8th 11:30

New Students

Welcome New Students!

Gisselle     Arrian       Tescelin

Robert       Jaidyn       Colleen

Alysha        Isla           Addilynn

Amelia       Dave         Elizabeth

Jessica      Ginger

Pet of the Month

Meet Josh, an 8 month old English Mastiff. Josh likes to eat cheese, blueberries, tomatoes, apes, and popcorn. Josh's favorite games are fetch and frisbee and he likes to play tug-o-war with the family, but he always wins! The Morris family.


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